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 La maintenance

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5 participants
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Nombre de messages : 73
Compte D2 : Neotoji - Kaikaiman
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyLun 1 Aoû à 20:09

Bien voila, la maintenance viens juste de commencer Very Happy

Donc rendez-vous a 23h pour voir ce qu' il a changé.

( peut etre des surprises Mr. Green )

cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
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Kroc le bô
Rang: Administrateur
Kroc le bô

Nombre de messages : 1708
Compte D2 : Kroc_reviens, Compte GW : Ombre pale
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyLun 1 Aoû à 21:46

Diablo II Version History
- Patch 1.11

A new Mystery has been revealed!

- Players of Hell Difficulty Realm games are hereby warned once again,
that a series of new and challenging tests await you! The answer lies
within Diablo's Bosses, which span across the world from the Den of Evil
to the Throne of Destruction...

New Items

- Added 10 New Runewords.
- Added new Unique Items that will drop from Special Bosses.

Hireling Enhancements

- Players can purchase hirelings that are within 1-5 levels below their
own level.
- The rate at which hirelings gain experience has been increased. They
should now stay closer to the player's level.

Major Bugs

- Creating a town portal when corpses or other objects entirely fill the
area where the portal will appear in town will no longer crash the game.
- Skills obtained from runewords created while the item is equipped will
no longer disconnect you from when chosen.
- Barbarians will no longer become stuck when using Whirlwind right after
Inferno from the unique item Balrog Blade Flamebellow.
- German, Spanish, and Polish users will no longer crash when the mouse
cursor moves over an item that grants an Aura while equipped.
- The game will no longer crash when selecting a skill granted by a weapon
at the same time as switching weapons with the W key.
- Dying or being requested to trade while changing the key configuration
will no longer cause you to get stuck.
- The "Missile Firing too far" assertion error has been corrected.
- Attempting to sell a Horadric Cube or a quest item to an NPC by holding
Control while clicking will no longer disconnect you from

Minor Bugs

- Running the game with -install no longer causes the game to be installed
as a Windows Service. -install is now ignored.
- Sometimes the seals in Diablo's lair would not activate. This has been
- Character expiration messages have been updated to reflect the
expiration policy implemented in patch 1.10.
- Unidentified items sometimes caused other set items to display green for
items the player does not have. This has been corrected.
- The German mouseover text for the Ist rune has been corrected.
- Account recovery is now allowed for existing accounts whose name is only
one or two characters.
- When leaving a game on, you will now be brought back to the
channel in which you were previously.
- Transmuting an ethereal item now retains the ethereal stats bonuses.
- In Japanese Lord of Destruction, items that add to all Assassin skills
incorrectly stated in their mouseover text that they added to all Druid
skills. This has been corrected.
- messages for non-English versions have been corrected.

Fixed Game Exploits

- It is no longer possible to bypass the 10-second hostility timer by
activating a waypoint at the same time as declaring hostility.
- Uber Diablo is no longer killed when Shenk the Overseer or Blood Raven
die nearby.
- Necromancers with Trang-Oul's Set equipped could sometimes become
invincible to attack. This has been corrected.
- Blessed Hammer no longer remains active while in town, preventing
players from subsequently declaring hostility and having the hammers hit
other players for damage.
- Set items retained their multi-piece bonuses after the player died, even
though they were removed. This has been corrected.
- Items with skill-charging effects will no longer give synergy bonuses to
skills when equipped on a character without those skills.
- Pasting from the Clipboard no longer allows the creation of characters
with more than one dash or underscore in their name.

Voila Very Happy
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Diabliste allumé

Nombre de messages : 590
Compte D2 : Compte GW : Talic Le Blanc
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyLun 1 Aoû à 22:31

cool tout ca ^^
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Diabliste fou

Nombre de messages : 73
Compte D2 : Neotoji - Kaikaiman
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyLun 1 Aoû à 22:55

Ouah 10 nouveaux mots runiques What a Face What a Face

Je suis impatient de les connaitres Very Happy
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Diabliste allumé

Nombre de messages : 203
Compte D2 : Kdo59
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyLun 1 Aoû à 22:58

Moi j'ai déja DL le patch!!
mais malheureusement ya aucun realm de dispo :'(
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Diabliste fou

Nombre de messages : 73
Compte D2 : Neotoji - Kaikaiman
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyLun 1 Aoû à 23:11

Tien je suis aussi en train de telecharger le nouveau patch.

Je vais essayer le battlenet ouvert Smile


je up le message pour dire que le ouvert fonctionne Very Happy
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Diabliste allumé

Nombre de messages : 590
Compte D2 : Compte GW : Talic Le Blanc
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyMar 2 Aoû à 10:14

vous avez mis combien de temps pour télécharger le nouveau patch?

ça fait déja 5 minutes que je la télécharge la.. et je ne suis qu'a 30%
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Diabliste fou

Nombre de messages : 302
Compte D2 : Blobbyjedi2 ; compte GW= Aldran Kalghan, et pas calgon !!!
Date d'inscription : 19/04/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyMar 2 Aoû à 10:30

moi pas longtemps, moins de 5 minutes facile. (512k)

j'ai hate de voir se que ca donne ce nouveau patch.

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Kroc le bô
Rang: Administrateur
Kroc le bô

Nombre de messages : 1708
Compte D2 : Kroc_reviens, Compte GW : Ombre pale
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyMar 2 Aoû à 12:53

Moi euh... il m'a fallu dix secondes :d
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Diabliste fou

Nombre de messages : 302
Compte D2 : Blobbyjedi2 ; compte GW= Aldran Kalghan, et pas calgon !!!
Date d'inscription : 19/04/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyMar 2 Aoû à 13:09

héhé !

moi on m'a forcer à prendre du 512 k Sad ; je voulais du 128 k Razz, mais ca existe plus chez wana, c'est bete parce que ca devrait pas couter cher.

A quand l'adsl à 10 €

Je suis adepte des mini forfaits

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Diabliste fou

Nombre de messages : 73
Compte D2 : Neotoji - Kaikaiman
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2005

La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance EmptyMar 2 Aoû à 23:21

Moi ca ma mis 5 minutes mais c'est normal car tout le monde

le telecharger (adsl 5k Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green )
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La maintenance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La maintenance   La maintenance Empty

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La maintenance
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